Loyalty helps you to keep customers coming back with exclusive rewards and discounts. Your membership program can include as many different levels as you like, so you can offer your customers a free membership option in addition to various memberships at different price points or with a unique focus.
Important! You must turn on V-Tix to use Loyalty.
How it works
Add a link to your website taking customers to a form where they can enter their personal details and provide payment to join your membership program. You can also collect this information and process the transaction at POS.
Tip: When you use V-Tix, customers have the option to join your membership program when they buy tickets online.
When Loyalty members buy tickets online or present their member card at POS, they can access the rewards you've made available, such as low-price tickets or discounted concessions.
Members can sign in to their accounts at any time to update their details and to change, cancel, or renew their memberships.
Understanding rewards program members
The benefit of a rewards program is that it gives you insight into customer activity and allows you to send targeted communications to the people most likely to respond with increased activity.
After you've started using Loyalty, you'll be able to log in to Veezi and go to Additional Modules > Loyalty > Manage > Search and Manage Members to search and filter your member list.
Use this tool to review the most popular films or concession items and adjust your promotions or discounts to encourage more sales. For example, you might export a list of members who have an interest in a particular genre or who are members of a particular Loyalty level. Then, promote relevant events to those members using your preferred communication method.
Note: The member information you collect through Loyalty is separate from any contact information you collect for your mailing list.
You can also learn more about Loyalty member activity using the following reports:
Learn more about Veezi reports.
Next step: Turn on Loyalty