Your cinema isn't quite like anyone else's, and each day can be unique. Typically, though, you'll complete the standard tasks of keeping an eye on your operational cash flow, monitoring your staff's POS sessions, and closing the financial day.
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Reviewing operational cash flow
Log in to Veezi and go to Management > Daily Management to see revenue, reconciliation, and other cash flow details for a business day you specify. Use the day and week buttons, the date picker, and the site selector to adjust the report.
Note: When you need more detail about a specific transaction, for example, when you need to investigate why a customer didn't receive an email after purchasing tickets online, use Transaction Inquiry instead.
Monitoring POS sessions
Log in to Veezi and go to Management > POS Sessions to see details of active and recent POS sessions.
Tip: Click any column header to re-sort the list.
Click a user name to see additional session details. On a session page, click Cashier session report to run the Cashier Session Reconciliation report. When the POS operator signs out of POS, the session is closed. All POS sessions must be closed before you can close the business day.
Note: For details on POS operator tasks, like logging in and completing transactions, see the Working at POS topic.
Adjusting POS session floats
As you monitor POS sessions throughout the day, you might need to adjust the cash drawers of your POS workstations.
Example: You need to provide additional cash for a POS operator to make change, or you collect excess cash or cheques once or twice each shift.
POS operators can remain signed in while you adjust POS session floats.
To adjust a float:
- Go to the POS workstation and tap More > Float Adjusts.
- Enter your user ID and PIN
- Tap Open Drawer.
- Enter values for each payment group, selecting increase or drop to indicate whether you're adding or removing value from the cash drawer.
- Tap Confirm.
Cashing up POS sessions
When a POS operator is done for the day and has signed out of POS, you can enter an actual value for each payment group, reflecting the amounts physically present in the POS operator's cash drawer.
Log in to Veezi and go to Management > POS Sessions to cash up a POS session.
Note: Transaction totals from the POS session are shown in four columns.
Net Float In/Out: The float amount entered to start the POS session.
Tip: If this total is unexpectedly zero, it's likely that a float entry was missed. - Adjustments: Any adjustment to the original float entered for the POS session.
- Movements: The amount collected in transactions completed at the workstation.
- Current: The total value expected at the workstation. The current value is the movements (what you've taken in) plus the adjusted float.
Entering an actual value updates the system's variance calculation. When you've reviewed the actual values and verified that they're correct, click Cash up session to confirm your entries and close the POS session. If necessary, click Reopen Session to correct any errors in the actual values.
Closing and opening the day
At the end of the business day, after all your POS operators have signed off and you've cashed out every POS session, you're ready to close the day. Closing the day divides your financial reporting, so that online transactions or any new POS sessions are recorded against the next business day. Also, when you close the day, electronic box office reporting for the business day ends and Veezi generates a final report.
To close a business day:
- Log in to Veezi, and go to Management > Daily Management.
- Click Add deposit and enter your final deposit of the day.
Note: You can add a deposit at any time while the day is open. You can't add deposits after the day is closed. If a deposit is missed, you'll need to re-open the day to add the deposit.
- Click Save deposit info.
- Click Close day.
- Review any summary details about the day that Veezi presents and, optionally, enter a comment.
Important! The date appears on the confirmation screen so you can verify that you're closing the business day that you intend to close.
- Click Confirm to close the day. Veezi automatically opens the next day.
On the Daily Management page, you can click Open day to start a new business day or to reopen a closed business day. Veezi automatically opens a business day at 6:00 am or whenever you close a day. Because of this automatic behavior, it's very rare that you'll need to open a business day at any point after you start using Veezi. If you do need to open a day, be careful to ensure you open the business day you intend.
When you close a day and then reopen it, you'll specify whether online transactions count against today or tomorrow.
- If you closed the day in error and want to continue recording transactions to the business day you accidently closed, select Today.
- If you closed the business day at the correct time and want transactions recorded to the next business day, select Tomorrow.
You'll typically choose Tomorrow when you need to reopen a business day to make a correction and don't want to interrupt how the system is recording transactions.