As POS operators make selections, you can show the line items to customers so they can verify that the correct items are being added to their orders.
Note: To use this feature, you'll need a screen or monitor that faces customers at your POS workstations. This screen might be part of your POS terminal. If not, talk with your hardware provider about screen options that will work for your setup.
Configure a customer display profile
- Go to Settings > Customer Display Profiles.
- Select an existing profile or click Add profile to create a new one.
- Give your profile a name. This name won't appear in POS or on the customer-facing screen, so use any naming that will help you recognize and select your configuration when you set up your POS terminal.
- In the Message Text field, enter text that appears on the customer-facing screen. The message must be 50 characters or less.
- Select colors and a template to customize the layout of the customer-facing screen.
Note: In addition to the text you specify, the customer-facing screen shows the Idle Media image you select until a POS operator adds tickets to an order. When tickets are included in an order, the customer-facing screen shows the poster image of the film associated with the session.
Note too: Although you can change the welcome-text color here, it's not possible to change the font size or style (to bold, for example).
- In the Inactive Media section, click select image to choose a graphic that appears when there is no POS operator logged in to the workstation associated with this customer-facing screen.
- In the Idle Media section, click select image to choose a graphic appears when no order is in progress on the workstation associated with this customer-facing screen.
Note: If you add multiple images in either media section, the images rotate on the customer-facing screen.
Run the Veezi POS Configuration Wizard
If you've already installed POS, you don't need to install anything else to use a customer-facing display. Simply run the configuration wizard again to turn on the additional screen. If you haven't yet installed POS, follow the steps below when you're ready to set up your POS terminals.
- Go to the POS workstation that has a customer-facing display screen, and run the POS Configuration Wizard.
- Log in and choose to edit the workstation settings.
- On the Customer Facing Display screen:
- Select the check box to indicate the workstation has a customer-facing screen.
- Select the profile you created.
- Click Next to finish moving through the wizard.
Note: POS operator names appear on customer-facing displays. Review your user records, and let POS operators know they'll need to sign in with customer-friendly user names.