A price card collects various ticket types and sets ticket pricing. When you specify a price card for a session, you determine which tickets are available and how much they'll cost. Every session must have a price card.
- You could use Matinee price card to lower the prices of all tickets for morning sessions.
- You could create a Monday Movie Night price card to make all tickets $1 cheaper on Mondays.
- You could create a price card for each of your cinema sites to create different pricing schemes at your budget, standard, and premium locations.
Before you begin
Create the tickets that you'll add to your price cards.
Creating a price card
Note: Veezi automatically creates a General Admission price card that is available all day, every day and that includes some basic ticket types. You can edit this record as needed or create your own price cards to adjust ticket availability and pricing.
- Log in to Veezi.
- Go to Tickets > Price Cards.
- Select a price card or click Add price card to create a new one.
- Use the search field and filter buttons to find a particular price card or to see additional tickets included in your price cards.
- To start from a copy of an existing price card, open the price card you've already created, and then click Copy as New.
- Enter a name for the price card.
Tip: Use short, distinctive names to make it easy to select the correct price card when you're doing film programming. Put the most important information first to find the right price card you want at a glance.
- Use the day buttons, the time range slider, and site selection field to indicate when this price card will be valid.
Note: You'll select a price card when you schedule individual sessions, so your selections should represent the widest possible use of the price card. Multiple price cards can be valid at a time, but you can't apply a price card to a session that is scheduled at a time when the price card isn't valid. For example, you might have a new release session on a Monday that isn't part of your Monday Movie Night deal, so you'll use the General Admission price card, which is always valid, instead.
- Add tickets to the price card.
Tip: Use the search field and filter buttons to find a particular tickets or to see additional tickets that you might want to include. Click the plus sign (+) to expand any package tickets and see the prices of the individual items included in the package.
- Select the Include check box to add a ticket to the price card.
- Adjust the price of each included ticket as needed. The new price you enter applies only to this price card. It doesn't change the price you entered when you created the ticket.
Example: The default price of an adult ticket might be $15, but you could change it to $10 in the Matinee price card.
- Adjust the sequence number of each included ticket as needed to set the order in which tickets appear in your sales channels. The new sequence number you enter applies only to this price card. It doesn't change the sequence you entered when you created the ticket.