Sign in
- Open the Veezi POS application at a POS workstation.
- Enter your user number and PIN. You have the option to complete the steps below to enter a float.
- Tap Confirm.
Note: If you've already signed in to a POS workstation during the current business day, you have the option to continue the open session.
- Tap Yes to re-open the closed session and continue to POS, maintaining all the float details from the previous sign in.
- Tap No to return the sign in screen. A user with Manager or Supervisor permissions can sign in to Veezi and cash up the POS session to end it.
Enter and adjust floats
When you sign in to POS, you'll have the option to enter a float amount.
- Sign in to POS.
- For each pay group listed in the Confirm Opening Floats window, enter an amount and then tap Increase.
- Optionally, tap Open Drawer to add cash or coins to the cash drawer.
- Tap Confirm.
Users with Supervisor or Manager permissions can make float adjustments during active POS sessions.
- Go to More > Float Adjusts.
- Enter your user number and PIN.
- For each pay group listed in the Confirm Opening Floats window, enter an amount and then tap Increase or Drop to add to or subtract from the originally entered float amount.
- Optionally, tap Open Drawer to add cash or coins to the cash drawer or to remove them.
- Tap Confirm.
Note: Float adjustments are detailed in POS session management, so you can review them when you cash up a POS session.
Navigate POS
POS buttons are arranged in two tabs. The Concessions and Tickets tabs appear at the top of the POS screen.
Tabs can have multiple pages. Move to a different page by tapping the page buttons at the bottom of the tab.
There are icon buttons near the page buttons:
- Tap the magnifying glass icon to search for any item. Use this feature when you can't find the button for something you need.
- Tap the barcode icon to scan a item.
Tap the More button to take actions that fall outside a typical item or ticket sale workflow. For example, here you'll find the buttons to process refunds, make float adjustments, and perform seat swaps.
Tap More and then tap the icon button immediately above the More button to choose how sessions are displayed in the Tickets tab. You can have sessions listed by screen, alphabetically by film, or by time.
Note: You can change the session listing only for your current POS session. Your user record configuration determines the default session arrangement.
Tap Sched to see the current session schedule. Then, tap the calendar icon or the buttons along the bottom of the screen to select a different day or week. Tap the Film, Genre, or Event buttons to search for particular films or events, to to narrow the sessions to films in a particular genre.
Tap the Veezi logo button to complete transactions.
Apply a discount
- On the Concessions tab, go to More > Discount.
- Select the item.
- If necessary, choose the discount you want to apply.
Important! To apply a discount that is exclusive to participants of your rewards program, go to More > Loyalty and sign in the customer. Then, add items to the order. Discounts that are exclusive to participants of the rewards program are automatically applied.
Sell a Loyalty membership
- On the Concessions tab, tap the button for a Loyalty membership.
- If you provide physical membership cards, swipe or scan a new card to activate it.
- Enter the customer's details and tap Enter.
- Complete the transaction as usual.
Note: Complete the membership purchase transaction before adding any Loyalty tickets to the order. A customer can't purchase a membership and use that membership to purchase a discounted ticket in a single transaction.
Note: You can process only one Loyalty membership in a transaction. If a member wants to renew their own membership and purchase a membership for someone else, for example, you'll need two transactions.
Use points and recognitions
To review the points and recognitions available to participants of your rewards program, go to More > Loyalty and sign in the customer. Select any available points recognition to apply it.
Tap Exit to return to the main POS screen and add items to the order. For example, you can now add Loyalty tickets. Item discounts that are exclusive to participants of the rewards program are automatically applied.
Sign out
To close your POS session, tap Sign Out. If you sign back in to POS during the current business day, you'll have the option to re-open and continue the POS session.
Less frequent tasks
Releasing house seats
You might routinely set aside a few seats in each theatre that can't be sold, just in case an unhappy customer or an unexpected celebrity guest needs to be accommodated. As you get close to showtime and ticket availability runs low, however, you might want to release those seats for purchase.
- In the Tickets tab, tap a session.
- Tap Release House.
- Enter the user number and PIN of a user with Manager permissions.
- Enter the number of house seats you want to release, and tap Enter.
Swapping seats
Occasionally, customers purchase tickets and select seats, but later want to change a ticket type or seat selections. In these or similar scenarios, you can swap the ticket type or the assigned seats without refunding the transaction.
- Go to More > Swap.
- Enter the original transaction number. The order opens as though you're completing the original transaction.
- Select tickets. You can select the same ticket types as those included in the original transaction, or you can select new ticket types.
Example: If you need to swap seats for two adult tickets, select two adult tickets just as you did in the original transaction.
- Optionally, tap Seats and select new seats.
- Tap the Veezi logo button to complete the transaction by accepting additional payment or refunding payment.
- If needed, go to More > Printing to reprint the tickets with new seat assignments.
Wasting stock
When you spot an expired package or drop a box of popcorn, record the stock that you waste. Wasting stock improves the accuracy of the next stocktake by reducing the stock count even though the item wasn't sold.
- Go to More > Refund > Refund Concessions and select the item you want to record as wasted.
- Tap Waste.
- Enter the user number and PIN of a user with Supervisor or Manager permissions.
- Select a reason for wasting the item.
- Tap Yes to confirm that the item is being wasted.
- Tap Exit to return to the Concessions or Tickets tab.
Printing receipts and summaries
To print a reconciliation receipt from receipt printer before signing out of a POS session, go to More > Receipt. You can also review and print a financial summary, a sales summary, and a labor summary by going to More > Dashboard. You must enter a Manager user number and PIN to access the POS dashboard.
Completing restricted actions
When you attempt to complete a restricted action, such as selling a child ticket to a film with an adult rating or processing a refund, a user with the appropriate permissions must enter a user number and PIN before you can complete the transaction.
Additional POS tasks: Processing refunds at POS