Keep your frequent customers engaged and maintain consistent cash flow with Subscriptions.
With this re-imagined method of maintaining a customer rewards program, you choose the number of tickets subscribers receive each week, month, or year. Then, set up a recurring billing cycle and charge customers automatically, keeping your revenue consistent across the peaks and valleys of movie-goer activity.
To get started with subscriptions, you’ll create subscription levels and tickets, customize your communications, and decide how your subscribers earn points in your program. If you're already using Loyalty, we'll help you convert your setup so that getting started with all the new and improved features is a breeze.
Note: Subscriptions replaces the Loyalty module. If you’re not currently using Loyalty, you’ll use Subscriptions instead. If you are currently using Loyalty, don’t worry – you’ll have plenty of time to learn about Subscriptions and decide when and how to transition your participant rewards program before Loyalty is discontinued.